Benefits and Professional Development
Exceptional instruction is the cornerstone of a great school system and professional development plays a vital role in developing and maintaining excellent instructors. Professional development at the Foxborough Regional Charter School (FRCS) is an ongoing process and is driven by our teachers and Instructional Leaders with oversight by the Director of Teaching & Learning.
The FRCS Professional Development Program has several facets:
- Three year mentoring and induction program for all new faculty
- New faculty summer orientation
- Annual summer Orientation Week for all faculty
- Ongoing formative evaluation and coaching by Instructional Leaders
- Professional development workshops held throughout the year
- Yearlong professional development courses
- Tuition reimbursement for all staff
FRCS staff can sign up for upcoming professional development workshops and courses on our Professional Development Website
The attachment below is an electronic copy of TSA Consulting Group, Inc.'s (TSACG) 2021 403(b) Meaningful Notice (MN)/Plan Information brochure. This electronic version of our MN is provided to Foxborough Regional Charter School as requested, in lieu of or in addition to printed materials, for posting on the District's internal Intranet site as well as emailing to District employees. Please note that TSACG does not authorize any editing/changing of this electronic document, and TSACG retains all Copyright authority governing this document.