FEA to Host Holiday Fair Shopping Event for Middle School Students

FRCS Family Empowerment Alliance (FEA) Presents the Penguin Patch Holiday Shop Holiday Fair for Middle School Students!

Middle School Holiday Fair Shopping: 
- December 11 from 12:00 to 1:00 for Grades 5 and 6
- December 12 from 10:30 to 11:30 for Grades 7 and 8
This Holiday Fair style event will be held during the school day, allowing students to shop for small gifts for their family and friends.  
Parents/Guardians Volunteers Are Needed! 
Parent volunteers are needed on both days!
Please sign up if you can help to ensure our students have a great time shopping for their families!

Parents/Guardians: Please Click HERE to sign up to volunteer for this event! 

A reminder that all volunteers must have a CORI on file with the school. Please click here to download and complete the CORI form. Email it with a copy of your driver's license to [email protected] - be sure to include "CORI Volunteer" in the email subject line.  
Please contact FEA with any questions: [email protected]